While traditionally, acupuncture is an effective way to feel results quickly, the number of treatments needed will vary from person to person; for many people, one or two treatments may be all that’s needed, and for others, who may have more complex underlying conditions, a series of treatments may be required over several weeks and for some cases, treatments scattered over a course of months.
For instance, most patients with pain issues experience noticeable improvement during their initial appointment, and for many, full resolution of their pain in 1-2 sessions. Others may need a series of treatments to help repair more complex issues. In another example, many infertility patients may be deemed fertile within as little as 2-6 sessions, however may be asked not to conceive for another 12+ sessions while treatments are provided to strengthen their bodies to optimize full term pregnancy and the health of the baby. So, in a nutshell, it really depends on what your body requires to heal itself. The good news is that treatments are specifically designed to promote healing with maximum efficiency so you should feel improvement in your health along the way!
One important point to note: You can never have treatments too close together, but you can have them too far apart. Just as you would with medication, it is recommended that you complete your whole course of treatments to achieve the maximum benefit of acupuncture therapy.